Confronting zoning in coastal South Carolina

Sunday, February 01, 2004

Rural areas often face the future with no tools to manage the pattern of growth within their borders. The result: haphazard growth patterns, sprawl, strip development, visual clutter...all adding up to a loss of rural character.

That's the challenge facing Georgetown County in South Carolina, just north of Charleston. Last week the Economic Development Commission held a day long session on zoning.

John Scarborough, and EDPro from Berkeley County (outside Charleston), explained how his county adopted countywide zoning. Read more.

Good quote about zoning:

"It's not so much telling you what you can do with your property, but protecting you from what could be done on adjacent property."

Last week, I was up in Maine talking to the Economic Development Council of Maine. The same problem of zoning is creating development challenges in Southern Maine, near Kittery.

posted by Ed Morrison |

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