Impacts of global trade: 2

Saturday, February 14, 2004

This morning's New York Times carries a good article on outsourcing. Two quotes stand out.

Nandan Nilekani, chief executive of Infosys Technologies, an Indian outsourcing company: "Everything you can send down a wire is up for grabs."

Craig R. Barrett, chief executive of Intel: "The structure of the world has changed. The U.S. no longer has a lock on high-tech, white-collar jobs."

Read more (free registration required).

At the same time, The Economist carries an article on changes among manufacturers in India (subscription site). A quote:

"An increasing number of India's old-economy firms have quietly restructured. Spurred on by the threat of foreign competition, they have discovered how to make internationally competitive goods by shedding labour, designing new products and improving management. They are cashing in on the same low labour costs and technology-astute employees that have helped India in software and outsourcing. In the process, this has given Indian firms the confidence to search out markets in developed economies and even to buy operations abroad."

posted by Ed Morrison |

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