Mississippi's governor has got it right

Tuesday, February 10, 2004

Mississippi's new governor Haley Barbour wants the state legislature to restore $100 million in cuts from higher education.

Alabama's governor Bob Riley agrees with the strategy.

Riley points out that a new economic development model is emerging, a model that builds economic strategies around higher education.

According to Riley, “So many of our sister Southern states have taken a new economic model. They’re using the areas of higher education as the catalyst to move their states forward...If you look at these states that have the most aggressive, the most innovative economic models, it’s the ones who use higher education as a core component.” ”

Barbour underscores the point: “Our businesses have three choices: They can innovate, they can immigrate or they can evaporate — and that’s just the plain cold hard facts. If we don’t help our businesses innovate and become more productive so that they can stay competitive, then they’re not going to be here.

“Our universities are economic gold mines, and, hopefully, we’re about to learn how to mine them better.”

Read more.

posted by Ed Morrison |

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