A partner initiative to the Main Street program

Saturday, February 21, 2004

Here's a good idea.

Pennsylvania has enacted legislation -- The Elm Street Program -- to revitalize mixed-use and residential neighborhoods within a half mile of central business districts.

The new program complements the similar Main Street program for downtowns and commercial districts in small and mid-sized towns.

The initiative provides financing for such investments as new lighting, sidewalks and facade improvements for mixed-use and residential neighborhoods located close to central business districts.

The goal is strategic. Create mixed use environments attractive to young adults. As Secretary of Community and Economic Development Dennis Yablonsky noted:

"This program is important because we have a brain drain situation in our state. We've lost more 25- to 40-year-olds in Pennsylvania than any other state in the union over the last 10 years. Part of the solution is, of course, more economic and job opportunities for them, but in addition, this generation in interested in an integrated live, work and play environment."

Read more, and download information.

posted by Ed Morrison |

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