Outsourcing could hit Silicon Valley hard

Tuesday, March 09, 2004

Economists at the University of California, Berkeley estimate that outsourcing could hit Silicon Valley hard. 1 in 6 jobs is at risk, according to their calculations. That compapres to 1 in 10 jobs nationally.

According to one of the authors,

"The good scenario is that innovation and dynamism keeps California one step ahead of the rest of the world, so the good jobs stay here and the more routine ones go overseas. ... But the bad scenario is that in the absence of innovation, you're going to have a situation where others catch up" and Silicon Valley loses its dominance.

Read more and check out a graphic detailing the trends.

The comments are based on a study released last November on the latest wave of outsouring. Download the study.

This article is part of a series that appeared on Sunday in San Franciso. Read other stories in the series:

Trying to cope when a job goes overseas
Hot-button issue makes for lively debate along the campaign trail
Looking Offshore Analysis: Economic arguments
Looking Offshore: China Giving India competition
VC firms push for outsourcing
Straight from the mouth: Executives speak out
Jobs that won't go overseas
Factories, burgers and jobs
Chalk offshoring up to economic progress

posted by Ed Morrison |

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