Portland's display makers begin thinking like a cluster

Saturday, May 22, 2004

Portland has a cluster of digital display companies. But until recently, the companies have not come together to collaboprate. That is changing.

Here's the lesson to EDPro's. A cluster organization will not form without clear value propositions. So it is interesting that the first meeting of this group focused on some clear value propositions:

Networking: Create a point of contact between display industry entrepreneurs and venture capitalists who are seeking display investment opportunities;

Retention and attraction: Attract new companies into the region, while supporting companies already here;

Training: Work with local universities to develop technical and business curricula that will help the local display industry prosper; and

Branding: Put the region on the map as a world-class center for digital display expertise, and especially, get the Society for Information Display to hold its annual symposium in Portland.

These are good places to start in just about any cluster organization.

Read more.

posted by Ed Morrison |

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