NEO fund makes its first investments

Saturday, July 31, 2004

A new collaboration among foundations in Northeast Ohio, the Fund for Our Economic Future, released the list of its first investments last week. Read more.

Collaboration among our regional foundations is a good step forward. The next opportunity for the Fund will come in establishing an on-going collaborative partnership with our region's colleges and universities.

Right now, the Fund considers our region's higher education institutions as vendors, not partners. Instead of inviting colleges and universities into their strategy discussions, the Fund is asking our colleges and universities to bid on two Requests for Proposals.

This approach is largely a legacy of industrial economy thinking: the notion that you get your "best ideas" from a competition among your vendors.

A more appropriate approach for the Fund arises from a different starting point. The best ideas on regional economic transformation come from collaboration and networks.

The foundation community in Minnesota is taking this more open, collaborative approach to regional economic development. Learn more. Minnesota foundations see their role as "realigning systems" through expanded collaboration. The McKnight Foundation, which is leading the Minnesota alliance, could provide some useful insights to the Fund for Our Economic Future.

(To understand, in part, why colleges and universities are central to regional economic development, read this article.)

posted by Ed Morrison |

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