New innovation center in Springfield, MO

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Springfield, MO has launched a downtown innovation center. The initiative has promise because it is tied to the Center for Applied Science and Engineering (CASE) at Southwest Missouri State University.

A number of companies have signed up to collaborate on CASE projects ranging from a coating for Navy jet cockpit canopies to computer chips that can store decision-making software. The big bucks for the center come from the departments of Defense and Homeland Security. Together, they have committed to invest $8 million on mill renovation and $13 million on collaborative projects between the university and the private sector.

Read more. (Does election year politics have anything to do with this? In Missouri, the latest Rasmussen Reports survey shows President Bush with 48% of the vote and Senator Kerry with 44%. Four years ago, Bush won the state of Missouri by a narrow 50% to 47% margin.)

posted by Ed Morrison |

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