Iowa's angel investor initiative

Thursday, August 26, 2004

Iowa has a good idea going. It is propomoting the development of angel networks by providing a legal template. In addition, If the fund is capitalized at a minimum of $500,000, has qualified investors, and invests in two qualified companies in three years, investors may apply for Iowa Tax Credits.

Herte's an example of how an angel group formed in Lee County (population 38,000). Read more.

You can learn more about Iowa's Regional Angel Investor Network (RAIN) initiative on this page.

The challenge of forming angel investor networks on a small scale is deal flow. Some investors will become discouraged, so it is important to manage expectations. The key is not to look for a few high growth businesses, but to change the local climate to encourage entrepreneurial networks. An angel investor group is just one of the nodes in this network.

posted by Ed Morrison |

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