Birth of a cluster in Portland, OR

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

A cluster of Linux-based businesses is forming in Portland, OR. Here's a good article on the birth of a cluster. Read more.

The article reinforces an important notion for EDPros. Clusters are not "things", like roads, bridges or industrial parks.

Clusters are complex, adaptive systems that emerge from networks of relationships. To induce their development, EDPros need to become more attuned to systems thinking: the ability to see and map interconnections. In this way we can identify the appropriate intervention points to accelerate the development of the cluster. At Case, we are exploring the tools of social network analysis to help EDPros understand and map these interdependencies.

Porter's insights into the importance of clusters are valuable. At the same time, EDPros also need practical tools to understand the structure and improve the performance of clusters.

posted by Ed Morrison |

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