Changes in Louisiana: Whither clusters?

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

There are more changes underway in Louisiana. Nobody's quite sure how it will all end up, though. Read more. Louisiana seems to be moving away from a strategic focus on clusters, even as Texas is moving toward this approach. Read more.

(When he first got the job to head Louisiana's economic development program, Mike Olivier gave an interview and outlined his attitude toward clusters:

The department's vaunted, sometimes-criticized "cluster" approach, in which specific industries are targeted, may undergo some revisions, Olivier indicated. "I'm not using the word "cluster," he said. "I want to get away from that," Olivier said, suggesting that he would substitute the word "targeting," but adding: "there is no difference.")

Mike's not really right about that, but it does indicate that Louisiana's cluster approach is probably headed for the trash can..

posted by Ed Morrison |

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