The coming shifts in global textiles and apparel trade

Thursday, November 18, 2004

The Washington Post recently ran a good series of articles on the shifting trends in the global textile trade. On January 1, the world trade rules on the global textile trade will undergo the most significant revision in thirty years.

New pattern is cut for global textile trade provides a good overview of the issue.

Apparel Apocalypse? argues that global trade patterns are determined as much by supply chain dynamics as by wage rates.

Ready to Take On All Competitors and Markets focuses on how China is prepared to dominate the textile and apparel trade.

Banking on Openness and Proximity to U.S. explores how the textile and apparel industry in Honduras is hoping to survive in this new world order.

Pinning Hope On Fair Labor Standards explores the situation of producers in Cambodia.

This interactive web graphic provides a fascinating overview of the global trade dynamics.

posted by Ed Morrison |

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