The future of manufacturing

Monday, November 08, 2004

Here are three articles on the future of manufacturing in the U.S.

The first details how several manufacturers are doing in upstate New York. Read more.

The second covers a speech by Georgia's Technical and Adult Education Commissioner. Read more.

Both come to the same conclusion. Manufacturing is far from "dead".

As one observer from New York notes: ""There was a rumor running around Oswego County a few year ago that manufacturing was dead. That’s not the case. We have seen a vast resurgence in the manufacturing activity."

And the Georgia Commissioner says flatly: "People tell me that manufacturing is dead — they're dead wrong."

The third article covers the establishment of a logistics council in the Dallas-Ft. Worth area. The council will provide powerful tools to small and mid-sized manufacturers to help them manage their supply chains. Read more.

As one participant in the council notes: "With globalization, we see a rise in the importance of supply-chain management and services. We still have the opportunity to grow good-paying manufacturing jobs in the United States, especially where you have a high-value product or a bulky good where you don't want to ship a lot of air."

posted by Ed Morrison |

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