Revitalizing Pennsylvania's downtowns

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Pennsylvania's governor Rendell has launched a package of six initiatives to revitalize cities and towns. The approach is designed to combat the "no growth sprawl" that a recent Brookings report highlighted.

Critics on the right, though, are not happy. They see the solution to Pennsylvania's challenges in reduced taxes, weaker union influence and a better education system.

The differences of opinion stems from alternative world views. Pragmatists like Rendell see the world inductively. They are willing to launch experiments to figure out "what works". Fiscal conservatives tend to see the world deductively. They have an economic model in their heads, and they push to conform state policy to the model. (EDPros, for the most part, fit into the first camp of inductive pragmatists.)

Read more about Governor Rendell's strategy to revitalize the state's downtowns.

posted by Ed Morrison |

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