Incentive worries? Nope

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Some EDPros are worried about the impact of the Ohio tax ruling on incentives. Read more.

EDPros have a lot of challenges ahead, but worrying about the impacts of the Ohio tax ruling is not one of them. (And the notion -- as one person suggests in an article -- that we need tax incentives to offset lower labor rates abroad is not based on sensible thinking. The labor costs gaps with emerging markets are simply too large to do that. Read more.)

We need to be more concerned about the fact that the U.S. lags behind in broadband penetration. Read more. (Do you have a broadband deployment plan in your community?)

Or, we should focus on the fact that our students lag behind other countries in math and science skills. Read more. (Is your business community fully engaged in improving education? See, for example, Educators for Educational Excellence.)

Or, we should focus on the fact that creativity and innovation is developing quickly offshore. Read more here and here. (How is the health of the innovation and entrepreneurship networks in your community? Do you teach entrepreneurship skills in your high schools? Do you sponsor business plan competitions? Do you encourage angel investors?)

posted by Ed Morrison |

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