Arizona governor: Invest early in children

Saturday, January 29, 2005

The governor of Arizona has figured it out. Workforce issues will dominate economic development for the rest of our lifetimes. If you want to invest in workforce skills, start early. According to the governor: "We know that waiting until first grade is too late. Where we really need to invest is from birth up to 5 years." Read more.

For hard-boiled EDPros who still do not see the connection between early childhood investments and economic development, think of it this way. Generations ago, we had to build an economic infrastructure of roads, bridges, utility systems. These physical investments are still important.

But now our global economy runs on brainpower. Early childhood programs are the infrastructure of the brainpower economy. Investments in early childhood education make sense, because they pay returns in higher incomes.

Next week, in Cleveland, we will start to strengthen the connection between early childhood and economic development. You can read about our forum from this page.

posted by Ed Morrison |

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