The consequences of gaming in New Mexico

Sunday, January 09, 2005

Indian casinos in New Mexico have been no clear advantage to the state's economic development. While they have produced jobs and income to some, they have taken jobs and incomes from others.

And that's the point: Casinos mostly redistribute wealth, they don't tend to create it. As a regional economic development strategy, casinos may make sense in poor rural counties, but that's about it.

(In my analysis of casinos, you have to have at least 60% of the patrons coming from outside a region or state for there to be a clear economic win. That happens most easily in rural areas -- like Tunica, MS -- or in areas sitting next to big markets where casinos are prohibited -- like Shreveport, LA next to Dallas/Houston.)

Here's a good article that surveys the evidence in New Mexico. Read more

posted by Ed Morrison |

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