Recrafting incentives in Missouri

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Ed Bee from Taimerica Management is an authority on state incentives, and he has recently completed a project in Missouri. It appears that his work is generating some change.

The governor has indicated a willingness to move away from a patchwork of tax expenditures (which are difficult to measure and monitor). He appears to be moving toward a more transparent system based on the Oklahoma Quality Jobs program that Bee developed. Read more.

The Oklahoma Quality Jobs Program provides quarterly cash payments of up to 5% of newly created payroll to qualifying companies. The program applies to manufacturing, research & development, central administrative offices, and selected service companies. Learn more.

In my own view, incentives directed at companies have very unclear impacts. But at least the Quality Jobs approach makes incentives transparent and accountable. Most states have no clue on the cost or impacts of their incentive programs, and monitoring is virtually impossible. A good case in point is the New York Empire Zone program. An audit last year showed that costs and benefits are unknown. Read more.

posted by Ed Morrison |

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