So this is corporate responsibility?

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

You have to wonder whether this is at all worth it. Dell came into the negotiations with North Carolina with a simple set of demands: "Free land, free building, no taxes". Read more.

If true, Dell's management has an odd definition of corporate responsibility. Dell is effectively telling North Carolina: "We'll come here and build a plant (that you pay for). We'll put stress on your roads, schools and public services. And we expect other taxpayers to pick up the tab."

Dell's behavior reminds me of a friend from law school. When she announced that she was getting married, I asked her how she and her fiancee were going to handle their finances. (I knew Mary to be a very head-strong person when it came to her future.) "Well," she replied, "What's my money is my money, and what's John's money is my money."

posted by Ed Morrison |

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