Building Arizona's bioscience cluster

Saturday, March 26, 2005

Arizona has a new report that proposes a pathway to building a stronger bioscience cluster in the state. Read more. You can download the report here.

The report, although interesting, misses the big opportunity: moving to entirely new models of health care. Places like Arizona have advantages over more well-established medical regions. Newer regions do not have the same entrenched interests, and their institutions are not burdened by the same cost structures.

In a word, they can be more nimble. Yet, to take full advantage of this opportunity, leaders in the newer medical regions must develop "leap-frog" business models of patient care.

Trying simply to replicate what's in San Diego, Boston or the Bay Area is a fool's game. (In this sense, I agree with the 2002 Brookings report, Signs of Life: The Growth of Biotechnology Centers in the U.S.. The report cautions against expecting too much from biotech investments.) The real opportunity in health care for emerging regions is not developing biotech, but innovating with new approaches to patient care.

posted by Ed Morrison |

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