Don't try this at home

Friday, March 18, 2005

The Kentucky legislature is moving down a dangerous path: Following Congress in the practice of earmarking funds for special economic development projects.

In the latest budget, $2.8 million has been earmarked for a shrimp production facility, even though no one seems quite to know what the money will be used for. The three universities involved in the project have not seen any plans. Indeed, the president of the University of Kentucky was surprised when she found out about the project. Read more.

This type of earmarking gives economic development a bad name (as well as some really bad projects). Another example, Senator Grassley's $50 million for a rain forest in Iowa. Read more.

If a state government begins handing out money to early stage technology development, the awards should follow a rigorous peer review process. Ohio's Third Frontier initiative follows this approach. Learn more.

(Here's another example of the practice of earmarking. In Georgia, pork is moving to the suburbs. Read more.)

posted by Ed Morrison |

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