Don't try this at home

Friday, March 25, 2005

When politics gets too close to economic development, bad things happen.

Take the case of the mayor of Toledo. Facing a re-election bid, he has launched a new ad campaign -- funded in part with public money -- proclaiming that "Toledo Works". The logo for the campaign includes the words, "Jack Ford, Mayor".

There's even a web site: Visit the site and the first thing you see is a picture of the mayor and a long letter. From a high point in 2000, the Toledo metro area has lost 18,000 jobs, but you wouldn't think it to look at the mayor's web site: all the graphs are going up.

You can even download your own Toledo Works sign, for whatever that's worth. And you have to chuckle at the limp effort at interactivity to this site, a request for testimonials. (Send in your stories, boys and girls.)

Politicizing economic development in this way does no one any good.

posted by Ed Morrison |

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