Risky convention hotels

Friday, March 04, 2005

Both New Haven and Shreveport are struggling with the issues of a convention hotel. In Shreveport, the proposal call for public financing. In New Haven, private financing is supposed to do the job.

In both cities, serious questions are coming to the surface.

In Shreveport, the mayor's proposal for a hotel must confront market realities outlined in a Louisiana Tech report. As one of the authors concludes: "In and of itself, the hotel appears to be a very risky venture." Read more.

The controversy in Shreveport has gotten so out of hand that a new web site has popped up to try to pry the facts out on the deal. Visit the site.

In New Haven, serious questions are being raised about the soft hotel market in the city and whether a conference center would be a sufficient draw to support another hotel.

One participant in the debate, a Yale political science professor, puts the issue in perspective:

"On the conference center there's quite a large literature out there in the policy community … that these centers invariably lose money, and for that reason they have to be done with substantial public money. It's almost always the case that those who estimate the demand for conference and convention centers greatly exaggerate the actual demand. In one city after another, actual demand has been considerably less than the initial estimates." Read more

posted by Ed Morrison |

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