American Jobs: A National Conversation

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Baton Rouge is participating as one of six cities in a research project to define the public's view of the main drivers of economic development. (Other cities include Cleveland, Baltimore, San Antonio, Kansas City, and Claremont, CA). Frank Sesno of CNN is hosting a town-hall forum about globalization and American jobs in these cities.

A main goal in this project is to encourage open dialogue between citizens and their government, business, and community leaders. The Council for Excellence in Government in partnership with the Global Markets Institute at Goldman Sachs is sponsoring the project.

As part of the program, the cities are participating in a public poll of attitudes toward economic development. In Baton Rouge, the importance of education came through as a top priority. Read more.

You can learn more about the American Jobs initiative (including viewing webcasts and downloading poll results) from this page.

posted by Ed Morrison |

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