Expanding training options for manufacturing

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Manufacturing is facing a critical skills shortage, as baby boomers retire. To address this issue, the governor of Maryland has announced a new initiative with a state's community colleges. The state's Technology and Innovation in Manufacturing Education Center is also joining in the effort. The partners will develop curriculum and provide training for employees of Maryland to manufacturers. Read more.

Addressing the pending worker shortage, the National Association of Manufacturers has launched the Dream It, Do It campaign. The site is focused on attracting young people to manufacturing careers. VIsit the web site. (The Society of Manufacturing Engieers also has a site directed toward young people. Visit the site.)

Kansas City was selected as the first pilot location for Dream It, Do It. Now, manufacturing leaders in Nebraska want to follow with their own local campaign. The initiative in Columbus, Nebraska is designed to inform young people of employment opportunities in manufacturing. Read more.

posted by Ed Morrison |

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