The importance of our converesations

Sunday, September 11, 2005

It appears that Brownsville, TX has started down a useful path in defining its future. Last week, civic leaders in the region held a roundtable discussion on the region's future. They invited a number of outisde voices to start the conversation. Importantly, these perspectives focused on higher education. Read more.

At the same time, as one participant noted, having good educational institutions is not enough. A region must focus on its assets and build off them. Another comment highlights this importance of how we think about these opportunities. A lot of economic development involves changing peoples' minds. We do that by changing the conversation.

Why is this important? People move in the direction of their conversations. If we end up comparing our assets to others -- but we're only Brownsville -- chances are we will not focus on the opportunities to move ahead. If, instead, we focus on what we could do together -- how collabroation could work -- our chance of actually translating an idea into action increases.

posted by Ed Morrison |

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