Milwaukee moves to build a regional brand

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Branding -- telling your story effectively -- has become a critical part of economic development strategy. Outlying counties to metro regions often have difficulty coming to grips with the fact that the region depends on the city.

Within regions, as within families, odd and dysfunctional relationships can form. So, it is a healthy step when civic leaders come to grips with their interdependence. Often the toughest challenge comes in marketing. Part of the reason is identity. People from Berkeley County (near Charleston, SC) like to be known as coming from Berkeley County.

But few people in San Francisco (let alone Shanghai) know where Berkeley County is. Most probably know Charleston.

Another problem with regional marketing arises from the mechanics. Regional marketing efforts -- especially when focused on business recrutiment -- requires a high level of trust to be successful. Handling prospects fairly (while still dealing with confidentiality issues) is tricky.

So, it's a good sign that regional leaders in Milwaukee are moving to a regional brand. But the devil is in the details. Their success will depend, in large part, on whether they can build an sustain trust. Read more.

posted by Ed Morrison |

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