New Orleans: Inexperience

Sunday, September 04, 2005

The Boston Herald carries a story that is particularly disturbing. It turns out that Michael Brown, head of FEMA, has no professional experience with emergency management.

Before coming to FEMA, he spent 11 years or so as a lawyer with the International Arabian Horse Association, a breeders' and horse-show organization based in Colorado. He was asked to resign, according to the story.

Read more.

FEMA outsourced the planning for the disaster to a consulting firm in Baton Rouge, IEM, Inc. FEMA provided a $500,000 contract to the firm to lead the planning effort. Read more here and here.

Meanwhile, looking at Mayor Nagin's press conference last Saturday, he advised people to get out of town. As for those who would unable to evacuate, the article notes: "Making matters worse, at least 100,000 people in the city lack the transportation to get out of town. Nagin said the Superdome might be used as a shelter of last resort for people who have no cars, with city bus pick-up points around New Orleans." Read more.

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posted by Ed Morrison |

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