Michigan's Core Technology Alliance

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Life science research is complex and expensive. In Michigan, three research universities and a research institute launched the Core Technology Alliance in 2002. The Alliance started as a consortium of Michigan State University, Wayne State University and the University of Michigan, and the Van Andel Research Institute.

Developing clusters often requires heavy anchor investments. In some instances, these anchor investments come from large companies. In other cases, the university or public sector must make the commitment.

The Core Technology Alliance represents an effort to develop a collaborative network of technologically sophisticated core facilities to accelerate life sciences research and product development. Through the Alliance, researchers based in Michigan get access to expensive advanced technologies. Visit the Alliance web site.

Now, Western Michigan has joined the Alliance. Read more.

Increasingly, we will see universities and colleges structuring new collaboration like the Alliance. These anchor investments will open new doors to economic development opportunities.

posted by Ed Morrison |

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