Incentive Watch

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Here are articles on incentives I came across last week.

Long a critic of incentives, the Corporation for Enterprise Development issued its annual "Development Report Card for the States". The report card tries to move policymakers from a low cost strategy of development to a more balanced view of a state's economic climate. Read more. You can view your state's scores from this page.

Kentucky governor Fletcher has introduced legislation to provide state funding the match Small Business Innovation Research and Small Business Technology Transfer awards. Read more.

Here's an interesting article on how officials in McAllen, TX are trying to get the next Kia plant. Read more.

Warren Buffet's Acme Brick got a big tax deal, and that set off a columnist in Ft. Worth. According to the columnist: "Acme will spend $16 million, including buying the land, on its improvements. There's no cap on the rebate, so if brick sales in Texas climb 5 percent a year, Acme will get back more than $64 million by the time this deal expires." Read more.

Nevada continues to try to entice companies out of California. Read more.

The president North Carolina Economic Developers Association argues why incentives are important. Read more.

Someone could write a book on growing incentives for the film industry. Here are two articles this week. One from South Carolina, one from Idaho. and one from Connecticut

posted by Ed Morrison |

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