Creating quality, connected places in the Albany region

Sunday, February 19, 2006

In Albany, the Center for Economic Growth is undertaking a new initiative to study the costs of growth for the region. It is an important undertaking. Different patterns of physical growth in a region, not surprisingly, create different costs (and different pressures for tax revenues).

The Center will frame the work by using scenarios. The study will enable citizens in the region to talk meaningfully about the different trajectories of growth. Read more.

Scenario planning works effectively with complex physical planning issues. If you're interested in this approach, you might explore a visualization software which enables a community to visualize different growth scenarios. Learn more.

Another important strategy in growth management focuses on developing consensus on the principles of growth. This site from the Kansas City region reflects this approach.

If you are interested in the costs of sprawl, here's a report to get you started.

posted by Ed Morrison |

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