Don't do this at home

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Google makes life more transparent. There are fewer places to hide. So, if you're taking a job paid for with public money, expect the newspaper reporters to turn to Google for their own background checks.

Take the case of the new Director for Regional Development in Cleveland. He allegedly failed to reveal that he had once been arrested. But the local paper found out. Now, everything has hit the fan. It's a sad day for Cleveland.

Slow with the truth
New city official jailed in 1999
Search firm: Cabinet hire lied about interview

(This fellow was apparently hoping that his past would "slide by". The better path to follow when you have bad news: Obey the Tylenol rule of crisis management. Deal candidly with bad news. Have the courage to confront the facts as you find them. Don't hide from the issue. Take responsibility.

Tylenol was the first acetaminophen-based analgesic to be sold as an OTC drug. The product was promoted aggressively and had become a leader within a few years. In 1982, some Tylenol capsules showed up that were laced with Cyanide. This resulted in several deaths. However, with the company’s proactive and effective public relations program, Tylenol regained its market share within six months.)

posted by Ed Morrison |

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