Some promising developments in Milwaukee

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Some interesting things appear to be happening in Milwaukee. Among a string of older industrial cities -- Buffalo, Cleveland, Detroit -- Milwaukee has had a tougn time adjusting to the new dynamics of the network economy.

But there are some encougaging signs of a shift underway. Two articles caught my eye last week. First, a new regional effort is focused on understanding the challenges of doing business in the region.

In economic development, you need to deal with the facts as you find them. One of the first steps any effort needs to take involves a clear-eyed assessment of where you stand. The region's new effort at collaboration, "Milwaukee 7" is taking this step. Read more.

A second article points to a surprising finding. Milwaukee's saw a rise of nearly 12% last year in the assessed values for all residential, commercial and industrial property. The increase was greater than outlying suburbs. Read more.

posted by Ed Morrison |

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