New manufacturing business models

Sunday, May 21, 2006

The Great Lakes states are heavily dependent on manufacturing, and in Wisconsin last week, 600 manufacturing executives gathered to explore new business approaches. They learned about the best practices in lean manufacturing, supply chain management, export development and employee training.

Read more.

The popular business press often reports an inaccurate picture of what is really happening in our manufacturing economy. Manufacturing is not dying. Old manufacutring business models are.

These business models relied heavily on stable production runs and relatively low labor costs. As global connections have increased over the last twenty years, manufacturing companies following static formulas for growth have seen their market shares erode.

New business models and manufacturing have continued to emerge. These new business models focus on agility, innovation and connection. Here is an article from California on how manufacturers there are redesigning their business models toward leaner, more networked production. Read more.

posted by Ed Morrison |

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