Creative Tampa Bay

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Tampa Bay, Florida has embraced the strategy of promoting its creative industries as an economic development driver. Here is some background. Read more. you can visit their web site here. by moving in this direction, Tampa Bay is embracing an economic development trend that started in Europe.

In the late 1990's -- before Richard Florida wrote his book on the Creative Class in 2002 -- a number of cities in Europe started to embrace the concept of creativity as of organizing principle for their economic development strategies. See, for example, the Web site of Creative London.

The Blair government in the United kingdom stimulated this development with a report on the creative clusters which appeared in 1998. (The so-called Creative Industries mapping document.) By 2002, an annual creative clusters conference promoted continuing developments the U.K. Learn more.

By 2000, the New England Foundation for the Arts we aligned with the business community to launch a creative industries initiative. Read more. Now w're saying places like Providence, Philadelphia, Vermont, Savannah and Tampa Bay focusing on this strategy.

(Here is a report that appeared recently on activities in Vermont. Read more. Here's a summary of a conference in Philadelphia. Read more.)

posted by Ed Morrison |

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