Building creative industries

Saturday, August 26, 2006

I have arrived in Vienna for a few days.

At the airport, a woman handed me a tourist overview newspaper. Here is the first paragraph from the lead story:

"The City of Vienna was quick to recognize the growth potential of the so-called creative industries and established a funding platform in autumn 2003 as a wholly owned subsidiary of the Vienna Business Agency. As a business promotion agency, it primarily funds enterprises in the fields of fashion, multimedia and music, as well as industrial and product design. This support ...has helped the creative industries become a motor of the Vienna economy, and the city has assumed a pioneering role in the field in Europe.

"Around 18,000 of Vienna's 74,000 companies can be regarded as part of the creative industries."' (That's 24%.)

Other cities are moving in this direction. For example, the recent report from Toronto illustrates where that city is heading. Read more.

posted by Ed Morrison |

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