The vacation perspective

Thursday, August 31, 2006

I've moved my post on Cleveland's business leadership to a new blog, Cleveland 2.0. I (and others) will use this blog to provide commentary on the challenges and opportunities of building an innovation economy in Cleveland. I'll announce the launch in a few days.

A vibrant regional innovation economy relies on networks, and networks call forth a different type of civic leader. In Cleveland's case, the city needs a chamber of commerce leadership that is more transparent and less manipulative; more open to learning and less arrogant; more accountable and less cynical.

Trust represents the currency of networks. Regions that consistently develop civic leadership committed to transparency, collaboration, and mutual respect will form more resilient civic networks. They will become more competitive. They will learn faster. They will spot opportunities faster. And they will act faster.

They will also become the regions attractive to younger people with new ideas. Cleveland 2.0 is a blog dedicated to thos ideals.

posted by Ed Morrison |

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