Purdue conference: Regional Development For Local Success

Saturday, September 09, 2006

My colleagues at Purdue staged a very successful conference last week: “Regional Development For Local Success: Innovations in Economic Development and Governance”.

This conference represents the first annual conference for the Purdue Center for Regional Development. Since its founding in May, 2005, the Center has rapidly moved to the front lines of regional economic development.

The EDA has selected the Center for a major research project on rural clusters. In addition, the Education and Training Administration has awared the Center a Workforce Innovation in Regioanl Economic Development (WIRED) grant.

Since July, I have been serving on the Center's staff as an economic policy advisor, working particularly on our WIRED project.

Here are some comments on the conference last week:

“These people are brilliant,” said William Kittredge, a senior official from the Washington, D.C.-based Economic Development Administration (EDA), referring to the Purdue organizers. “There is some serious take-away information here that can make a difference in long-term development.”

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posted by Ed Morrison |

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