WIRED Watch: California

Monday, November 06, 2006

This week, I'm starting in new feature, WIRED Watch. the series of posts will explore how all regions are using the new Department of Labor initiative, Workforce Innovation in Regional Economic Development (WIRED) to develop new initiatives combining workforce and economic development.

You can larn more about WIRED from this fact sheet. It is the most at innovative economic development program to come out o the federal government in the past twenty years.

The Department of Labor is providing unprecedented flexibility to these regions to experiment with new alignments among their education, workforce development and economic development systems. The Employment and Training Administration, which administers wired, is also providing remarkable coordination among other federal agencies with in these regions.

The WIRED initiative recognizes the remarkable challenges facing our country, challenges that have been clearly outlined in a series reports on innovation and work skills.

You can read summaries of the 13 regions involved with WIRED here.

In California, the WIRED regions stretches to 13 counties, called the Innovation Corridor. You can learn more about what is happening in California from this article.

To learn more about the competitive challenges we face, download and reviewed these reports:

Rising Above the Gathering Storm
Innovate America
Task Force on Future of American Innovation
Tapping America's Potential
Are They Ready to Work?
Manufacturing Skills Gap Report
Manufacturing in America 2004
Reports by the Partnership for 21st Century Skills

posted by Ed Morrison |

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