Tucson unveils a strategy

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Tucson Regional Economic Opportunities Inc., (TREO) has released a new economic strategy. Read more. The strategy targets five areas of strategic activity:

+ Focus on high-wage jobs in high-growth industries
+ Promote educational excellence
+ Redevelop urban zones
+ Develop livable communities by improving infrastructure and crime reduction
+ Promote collaborative governance and stewardship

The economic development strategy is important because it recognizes that "economic development" includes initiatives that traditional economic development considered as workforce development and community development. In the past, most EDPros saw these areas as outside their sphere of interest or influence. (Indeed, these categories -- workforce development, economic development, community development -- have been rooted in federal programs and bureaucracies formed decades ago.)

As economic development shifts, we are seeing a more connected, systems view of economic development emerge. This perspective sees the connections among different types of civic investment designed to build a community or region. Tucson's strategy does a god job in articulating this new view.

You can download the report and other materials from this page.

posted by Ed Morrison |

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