Working poor in Mississippi

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Mississippi's Economic Policy Center (MEPC) has released a report on the state' economy. The report makes strong recommendations for improving education and workforce training directed at the working poor.

The report notes that more than 40 percent of working families in the state are low-income and more than half of all working families in Mississippi have a parent with no more than a high school education.

Mississippi's focus on the working poor is important, since virtually every region faces the same challenges. The working poor population is distinctly different that the dependency population. Indeed, figuring out ways for the working poor to advance represents one of the big opportunities we have to reduce skill shortages.

Building pathways to more promising careers, however, will require novel solutions.

You can download a copy of the report here.

The MEPC is an independent, non-partisan initiative that engages in policy research on working families in Mississippi.

posted by Ed Morrison |

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