Incentive Watch

Monday, October 01, 2007

Here are some articles on incentives from last week:

In North Carolina, a debate goes on at the local level about incenitves. Why provide them to GE and Verizon? Read more.

Here's an overview of Florida's hefty incentive investments in life sciences. Read more.

A 3M layoff in Columbia, MO -- added to a consulant's disparaging comments about whether the quality fo place matters at all -- touched off a debate on incentives. Read more.

Colorado's governor has proposed a new set of incentives. "The package includes a proposal to create $3.5 million in incentives for bioscience business development and a measure to devote $3.5 million of the state’s Clean Energy Fund to economic development purpose." Read more.

Tennessee's top EDPro comments on the governor's Rural Opportunity Initiative. Read more.

posted by Ed Morrison |

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